M. Tamizuddin Enterprises - Company Profile The company has stepped in to the field of multi stories building, Design installation of self support towers and micro wave towers. Though the company has established recently, but the employees of the company are having a vast experience in the field of Design and civil works with maintenance. Our company would like you to provide us a chance to render you our services in the field mentioned above. Our company guarantees to the services what I render. We have the capability to undertake all types of engineering jobs on EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction) basis. We have working relationships with reputed national as well international companies in the field of design, engineering & construction firms. Complete Profile
  • Design & Development
    Design & Development Sector Telecommunication Division
    Power Supply Systems Division
    Architecture & Civil Engineering Division
    Technical Support Division
    Technical Documentation Division
  • Design & Development
    Projects Executive project for civil works (site preparation)
    Executive project for equipment installation
    Executive project for transmission system
    Executive project for network integration
  • Design & Development
    Installation Site preparation (civil works, power supply, lightning protection)
    Base stations and transmission system installation
    System integration
    Site acceptance
    Installation of subscriber equipment (test subscribers)
Engineering & Production Sector

Engineering department is equipped with last generation instruments and tools for installation and testing of telecommunication equipment, as well as off-road vehicles capable to reach hardly accessible sites.

Engineer’s responsibilities are to ensure meeting deadlines and QoS during Civil Work phase and RBS and antenna system installation as well as health and safety aspects in the work place, providing documentation and all the remaining activities before turn key.

Engineering & Production

Location after CW has been completed.

  • Design & Development
    Ericsson & CMPak Ltd. ERICSSON:
    100 sites (Site Acq, CP and NOCs phase I CMPak project)
    400 sites (Site design phase I CMPak project)
    45 sites (Site design phase II CMPak project)
    115 sites (Site design phase III CMPak project)
    05 sites (Civil Works phase III CMPak project)

    65 sites (Site Acq, CP and NOCs phase II CMPak Ltd)
    25 sites (Site Acq, CP and NOCs phase III CMPak Ltd)
    10 sites (Tower strengthening and its maintenance)
  • Design & Development
    Alcatel Lucent Pak. Ltd. &
    10 sites (Site Acq, CP and NOCs phase II CMPak project)
    65 sites (Site design phase II CMPak project)
    665 sites (Swap Site design phase I Mobilink project)
    05 sites (Civil Works phase I Mobilink project)
    65 sites (Swap Site design and civil work phase II Mobilink project)

    150 sites (Site design services though motorola, nascom and power tech for phase I witribe project)
    40 sites (Site Acq, CP and NOCs for witribe-NSN project
    125 sites (Site design services though NSN vendors for phase II witribe project)
    10 sites (Civil Works, TI and maintenance work for witribe
  • Design & Development
    Warid/Wincom/Wateen & Huawei WARID/WINCOM/WATEEN:
    More than 1500 sites (Site design services through ericsson and wincom for warid)
    10 sites (Civil Works through wincom on warid sites)
    115 sites (Site design services for Wateen)
    10 sites (Civil Works and maintenance work for wateen)

    45 sites (Site design services for world call project)